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Educational Materials Program

The UCCLF Educational Materials Program aims to educate the greater Canadian public about historical injustices that were perpetrated against Canadian and Ukrainian civil liberties: Canada’s first national internment operations in 1914 – 1921 and the Holodomor, the Great Famine of 1932-33 in Soviet Ukraine. The benefits realized by increasing the distribution of these books include reaching a wider audience inclusive of children and adults of all ethno-cultural backgrounds not jst of Ukrainian background; preserving the cultural heritage of all people involved in the Holodomor and Canada’s first national internment camps; and educating and stirring debate among the general public about the causes and consequences of injustices that have been perpetrated against civil liberties in Canada and abroad.

In 2008, UCCLF provided funding support to publish a series of essays by leading journalists, politicians and scholars entitled, Holodomor: Reflections on the Great Famine of 1932-33 in Soviet Ukraine (Holodomor).

In 2008 and 2009, UCCLF distributed Holodomor and Into Auschwitz for Ukraine to high schools and libraries through Canada.

UCCLF distributed Silver Threads to elementary schools, libraries and churches throughout the Canada. Silver Threads is a folk tale picture book written by Marsha Skrypuch ( and illustrated by Michael Martchenko. It was the first work of fiction to tackle the subject of the World War I internment of Ukrainians in Canada.


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