UCCLF hallows the sacrifices and service of the thousands of Ukrainian Canadian men and women who enlisted in the armed forces of our country.
An Almanac of Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen, 1939 -1945
The Almanac includes the following sections in this order:
- The names and photographs of Ukrainian Canadian servicemen, allocated among the three branches of the Armed Forces of Canada;
- Photographs of Ukrainian Canadians who were officially reported killed or missing in action;
- The Ukrainian Canadian servicemen who were wounded in action;
- A few of the Canadian women of Ukrainian descent who served with the Canadian Armed Forces;
- A partial list of Ukrainian Canadian servicemen who had been decorated for gallantry or mentioned in despatches for meritorious service in action (A few photographs are included).
The next major section contains the names of 3,830 Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen which names appeared in the official casualty lists that were periodically published by the different branches of the Canadian Armed Forces. The compilation of a complete list was not possible, due to the authors not having access to the complete statistical data.
Then follow the photographs of the three Ukrainian Catholic chaplains who served with the Canadian Army. Hon. Capt. Rev. M. Pelech and Hon. Capt. T. Dobko who served in Canada; and Hon. Capt. M. Horoshko, who had been serving overseas.
Also included is a pictorial section with some forty photographs depicting Father Horoshko's activities overseas. Supplementing these pictures are a few photographs of the Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen's Canteen in London, England. The 'Canteen' photographs show Ukrainian Canadian service personnel commemorating both Christmas and Easter according to Ukrainian customs and tradition.
These are followed by several photographs of servicemen's "get-togethers" in Belgium, especially of the convention held in Brussels in 1945.
Some of the Heroes of Their Day who died on D-Day, June 6, 1944
Feschuk, William: Trooper, 25 Squadron, 6th Armored Regiment, 1st Hussars, of Vita, Manitoba. Age 26.
Franko, Harry: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Selkirk, Manitoba. Age 19.
Leskiw, John: Rifleman, 1st Bn Regina Rifles
Makichuk, Michael John: Cpl., Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. Age 23
Miskow, Wesley William: Sergeant Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Shoal Lake, Manitoba Age 23
Pockiluk, Henry Andrew: Corporal, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of London, Ontario, Age 27
Prokopchuk, Steve: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Sandy Lake, Manitoba. Age 28
Skwarchuk, Metro: Trooper, Fort Garry Horse, of Devil Lake, Saskatchewan.
Solodiuk, Michael: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, R.C.I.C,
Spilchak, George: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Pine Ridge, Manitoba. Age 22
Warun, William A.: Gunner, 14 Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, of Geraldton, Ontario. Age 22
Wintoniw, Mikie: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Zhoda, Manitoba Age 26
Wladyka, Edward; Rifleman, Regina Rifle Regiment, of Winnipeg, Manitoba Age 30.
Woronchuk, Eugene: Rifleman, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, of Brandon, Manitoba. Age 28.
Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen’s Association (UCSA) [Союз Українських Канадійських Вояків], Ukrainians in the United Kingdom, Online Encyclopedia
UCSA was formed on January 7, 1943 in Manchester, to cater for the social and cultural needs of Ukrainian Canadians serving overseas. Initially the association had 37 members. By the end of the war there were 1,500 active members and over 3,000 additional names on the association’s mailing list.
Bohdan Panchuk, Ukrainians in the United Kingdom, Online Encyclopedia
Panchuk, Gordon Bohdan [Панчук Богдан] – teacher, community leader; born on 8 February 1915 in Meacham, Saskatchewan, Canada; died on 20 June 1987 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; buried in the St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Cemetery, Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
Vladimir Kaye (Kysilewsky), Ukrainians in the United Kingdom, Online Encyclopedia
Kaye (Kysilewsky), Vladimir [Володимир Кисілевський] – scholar and civil servant; born on 4 August 1896 in Kolomyia (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Ukraine; at that time – Austrian crown land of Galicia); died on 30 August 1976 in Ottawa, Canada; buried in Notre Dame Cemetery, Ottawa.
The Ukrainian Canadian Chaplaincy during World War Two , Roman Yereniuk, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2015
The Ukrainian Canadian Chaplaincy during World War Two
Roman Yereniuk
Canadian Ethnic Studies
Canadian Ethnic Studies Association
Volume 47, Numbers 4-5, 2015 [Volume 42, Numbers 2-3, 2010]
pp. 307-338
The Ukrainian Canadian Veterans Association Collection, National Archives of Canada, MG 28, V 119, Finding Aid, Wiktor Holowacz and Myron Momryk, 1988 CIUS, U of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
The Ukrainian Canadian Servicemen’s Association (UCSA) grew out of the social and religious gatherings of Ukrainian Canadian servicemen stationed in England during the Second World War. The first social gatherings were held by the Ukrainian community at the Ukrainian Social Club in Manchester. Under the leadership of G.R.B. Panchuk and others, these social gatherings developed into the UCSA which was formally constituted in Manchester on 7 January 1943. In June 1943, the UCSA obtained its own building in London, England. The UCSA provided a center of social and recreational activities for Ukrainian servicemen on leave. Visitors and guests also included Ukrainian servicemen from the United States, England, Poland and other countries. After June 1944, the UCSA expanded its activities to assist Ukrainian refugees and Displaced Persons in Western Europe. The UCSA was formally disbanded on 9 January 1946.